zer o_c omments
Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2014 in quote-unquote

zur gelegentlichen wiedervorlage:

«Suppose that, at a given moment, a certain number of people are engaged in the manufacture of pins. They make as many pins as the world needs, working (say) eight hours a day. Someone makes an invention by which the same number of men can make twice as many pins: pins are already so cheap that hardly any more will be bought at a lower price. In a sensible world, everybody concerned in the manufacturing of pins would take to working four hours instead of eight, and everything else would go on as before. But in the actual world this would be thought demoralizing. The men still work eight hours, there are too many pins, some employers go bankrupt, and half the men previously concerned in making pins are thrown out of work.»
[bertrand russell – in praise of idleness.]

(technologie kann den kapitalismus nicht reparieren. der nutzen der technologie hängt ab von den gesellschaftlichen kräfteverhältnissen. // im wettbewerbsregime der europäischen union sind es die portugiesischen und griechischen hersteller, deren nadeln zu teuer sind, und die deutschen, die sich weigern, vier stunden zu arbeiten.)

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